Why do CRM systems let you down?

Why do CRM systems let you down?

Contrary to what most people think about Customer Relationship Management software, it isn’t just a basic tracking tool.

Using the extended features, you can be kept up to date about the upcoming client meetings, open deals, high-value leads, and notes full of details about the latest contact done with the customer. So, with this being the case, companies prefer purchasing CRM systems with the expectation of making job tracking easier and increasing efficiency but do things go as expected? Mostly, the answer is ‘no.’ One of the main reasons it is hard to find easy CRM software. Employees, especially the ones who are not on good terms with technology, tend to complain about the complexity of the CRM systems.

Minimum CRM was designed considering all the disadvantages of the common CRM software and eliminated those challenges. To understand better why employees are not a big fan of CRM systems, we compiled a list of complaints and indicated how Minimum CRM brings a new approach to the complained situations.

“CRM systems are too complicated.”

One of the most repeated complaints about CRM systems is how complex they are. And if you are not from an IT department or work in a similar business sector, it is true in a sense. There may be too many features in traditional CRM systems, but when the interface isn’t user friendly, a wide range of features make things hard for an employee rather than simplifying.

Since most of the CRM systems are developed with the intent of serving many industries ranging from banking to healthcare, some of the items may puzzle the employees who don’t need to use half of the items provide


Minimum CRM is the easiest to use CRM software among the other CRM systems with its user-friendly interface. A bad user experience is the root cause of why people quit their CRM systems.

Even though the interface isn’t complicated, it has many efficient features such as the “Contacts” section, where you can easily track your customers, find out all sales, activity and email history, and appointment details at the click of a mouse.

To make sure that your CRM software will not let you down in the future, you can have a one-month free trial before buying Minimum CRM. Furthermore, you don’t have to enter your payment method details.

“It’s been a month, but I still don’t understand how to use all the tools.”

Complex tools may be needed for some businesses, but the rest of us just don’t need that much complexity. Even if the CRM itself isn’t that complicated, people who use it for the first time need guidance, training, and time to learn. But it is a fact that businesses don’t want to devote an extreme amount of time to the training in order not to disrupt the workflow within the company.

The smartest move to make would be to choose the key person from each department to train thoroughly. So, when a person doesn’t understand some part of the CRM, they can get help from the key person.


Minimum CRM provides a simple interface which allows users to master its operation almost intuitively. If still needed Minimum CRM has a myriad of training and support services to help you out. As well as company-wide training, Minimum CRM also offers some other solutions when there isn’t enough time.

Instead of interrupting a co-worker of yours to ask a question about Minimum CRM, you can benefit from constant remote access and training, free of charge.

While in most other CRM systems, this feature is only available in premium memberships, Minimum CRM additionally offers support through different communication channels such as Whatsapp or live support line to provide customers with the maximum communication without any extra charge.
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Manage your sales processes end-to-end with cloud-based Minimum CRM. And completely FREE for up to 100 users. Start with your free account today.

“Why are CRM systems expensive?”

Since there are many moving parts in CRM systems, providers can demand a great deal of money because it’s actually hard to assess the value of each feature. So, using a CRM solution can be a costly option for especially small businesses. This plays a significant role when deciding whether to keep on using CRM software after the trial period. But can a simple CRM system have the same function as the expensive ones? Yes! And actually, that’s the best part.


The high cost of a CRM software may discourage business owners from using it. One of the key advantages of Minimum CRM is that the software solution offers all advanced features within one subscription plan! There aren’t any ads that keep popping up to convince you to buy a premium or pro plan to increase your sales or unlock advanced features. The only decision you have to make about membership is whether you want to pay monthly or yearly for it.

“Why is it hard to understand CRM reports?”

Depending on your business and the data you enter on CRM software, you can face CRM reports that are hard to understand. If the company employees can’t make sense out of the reports they get, they’ll be likely to quit using it. So, a successful CRM tool should be able to clearly report an accurate analysis of all data entered for employees of all levels ranging from a sales representative to a marketing manager.


You don’t have to deal with complicated reports, thanks to the Minimum CRM software. You can review your sales, deals, or other data you entered as graphical reports or the tabular reports at the end of a specified time period. Thanks to data filter customization, you can apply specific filters to get certain insights about your business activity. You are also able to see the reports of the activities such as calls, tasks, appointments, and emails.

Why is CRM vital for businesses?

For a long time, they have been saying, “the customer is always right.” Maybe it’s a bit of an old fashioned expression and out of date. But what’s up to date and standing is the fact that customers are the core of many businesses.

Good customer relations boost your customer retention rate. Since it’s a well-known fact that keeping customers is easier than gaining new ones, the most important thing you have to do is to have good relationships with your customers, and that’s where you get a lot of help from CRM software to track every step of your customer.

You can make them feel valued from the beginning of their journey as a potential client for your company to the end of their journey.

Lastly, don’t forget that just because a customer already purchased a product from you doesn’t mean that they will never buy anything from you again. All of your former customers are actually your next potential customers.
Enjoy the maximum experience with Minimum CRM

Manage your sales processes end-to-end with cloud-based Minimum CRM. And completely FREE for up to 100 users. Start with your free account today.

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